
Education means a better future

1. Mitglied der Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.

Gemeinsam mit anderen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren wollen wir den Standort Deutschland zukunftsfähiger machen und die junge Generation für die Herausforderungen einer Wissensgesellschaft rüsten. Hierbei stehen Bildungspartnerschaften mit Schulen, Projekte und Veranstaltungen im Vordergrund.


Bildungspartnerschaften mit ortsansässigen Schulen und deren Schülern.

1. Partnership for education with "Malbach Primary School Mellrichstadt" – a STEM-certified primary school

In cooperation with "Malbach Primary School" and the city of Mellrichstadt the project "Fit in Deutsch - Proficient in German" was created. German immersion classes are offered to students of migrant background. A fully trained teacher and specialized material for supplementary classes are provided.

Furthermore, we realize projects for the subject Arts and Crafts in cooperation with "Malbach Primary School".

Target group

Primary school students in Mellrichstadt.

2. Partnership for education with "Ignaz-Reder Middle School Mellrichstadt"

In cooperation with "Ignaz-Reder Middle School Mellrichstadt" we realize technology projects for students. The idea was to develop a continuation of the project with "Malbach Primary School". While we aim at deepening the students' general interest in technology and science, we also offer vocational orientation at the same time.

Target group

Students in ninth grade at "Ignaz-Reder Middle School Mellrichstadt" the year before applying for training positions and commencing an apprenticeship.